

"Befriend a thousand books, and have the spine to stand by your beliefs."


The Things That Matter

Kindness is a virtue that the blind can see and the deaf can hear.

Almost anything good you do will seem insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.- Ghandi

From How to Live Without Fear & Worry by K Sri Dhammananda
(free circulation)


The Hardest People To Love

"The people who are the hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.” -Peaceful Warrior



Emoticons cannot express how happy I feel right now!!!
Thank you!


Live Well, Take Care

Live on, live well.
Be happier, be stronger. Treat yourself better. Love your people more.
Live stronger. Show that you can live very well.
You can be proud of yourself.

There is no need to believe in anything. There is no need for beliefs. Just be.
& Love strongly, not more.


It is difficult.
It will always be difficult.


I can't pick a title.


Assumptions about other people and ourselves*

Do you know why there are so many screwed-up relationships in
this world? Because people like you and I refuse to communicate is one of the reasons.

We prefer to assume, because it's safer and comfortable for our ego.
When we assume, we make an ass out of u and me.
Instead of spoken and written words, we communicate through songs, art, films; secondary mediums to bring our message across. Because we're afraid of rejection and indifference. It's as if when we are separated by a medium (MSN, Blogs, Irony), then we can rest our minds knowing if our work is rejected, it does not necessary mean we are unlovely. Rather it's piece of work that can be improved on. Self-worth that can be improved on. Can self-worth be improved?

Sometimes we hold back what we want to say, for political correctness, for politeness, to lessen trouble for ourselves. Because why should we bother about others, when they don't seem to give some? We always want that something from others, but we don't want to give the same thing in return. We just don't want our kindness to be taken advantage of, and of course we're just plain greedy and ungrateful. Which in turn makes us self-centered. The need to protect ourselves.

We seek to procure, to dominate, to outdo and outshine. To collect all the items for the next level up, for survival. What is it all for? The very thought of having to let them go inspires fear. The thing which we yearn for most, is the most guarded possession that each one of us has.

The most precious, a privilege for certain people, should be taken care of by its owner. Because no one else can know how to take care of your heart, other than ourselves. We are interdependent of each other, for survival reasons, for companionship, for something special. Without the people around us, we wouldn't be where we are today. Without basic necessities provided by the earth, we would not live. Without our flesh, bones, 70% water, and other components, there would be no body.

There would be no self. So how real is the self? Do we own our bodies? When things start to fall apart, when they no longer have a reason to stay together, how real are the things we have now, when change is the only constant.




I'll never excuse myself

I won't give up my life for you, you or you. Remember that.
Don't use your lack of courage to pursue a meaningful life you want as an excuse. Whatever choice you make is up to you, don't use me as an excuse later on to get what you want; what you didn't dare to go for.
I'll never give it up for anyone.
*I don't expect you to give up your life, so don't be afraid.



"The great advantage of having nothing is that everything becomes a gain.

Losing everything is at the same time the scariest, as well as the most liberating experience you can have. When you have something, - anything, you've got to protect it from disappearing. And so worry becomes a resident in your heart. When you've got nothing, your heart overflows with gratitude for every offering you receive."


Thank You!

Is feeling grateful.

One Thread

“When you examine the lives of the most influential people who have ever walked among us, you discover one thread that winds through them all. They have been aligned first with their spiritual nature and only then with their physical selves.”